Only available for 30 or 40 days each spring, getting spot prawns to market, fresh, means being available at a moments notice to fix cooling issues when they arise 🦐
In B.C., about 2,450 metric tonnes of spot prawns are harvested annually, with about 65% coming from the waters between Vancouver Island and the mainland. Considered a delicacy they are celebrated each year with seafood lovers queuing up to get them by the pound fresh off the boat.
A common sight on Fisherman's Wharf, small boats loaded up with wild-caught seafood need to ensure that customers are receiving only the very freshest of the daily catch.
When not available commercially—or we see a better solution than what's on offer—we custom design and build our own refrigeration solutions.
After welding/brazing the plates are ready to be connected to the system.
Our chiller plates begin with our custom fabbed elbows.
Ensuring seafood stays fresh is an always-on-call type of business.
Compressor installed on side of tank.
Wild-caught spot prawns ready for customers.